The Basics of Successful Tile Flooring Installation
Tile flooring is a priceless addition to any kitchen or bathroom, and homeowners in Bloomfield know it. Unfortunately, due to poor communication with their contractor or lack of idea about what a tile flooring bloomfield project involves, many homeowners end up disappointed with the whole process or even unable to cover the final costs.
How can such disappointments be avoided? Thorough preparation is the basic requirement for the success of any flooring installation project. It involves gathering information, and carefully planning each step of the process.
The Steps of a Tile Flooring Bloomfield Project
1. Choosing the Tiles and the Contractor
With so many tile varieties on the market, homeowners’ best bet is working with professionals from beginning to end. Luckily, some Bloomfield stores support their products offer with consultancy and installation services, enabling homeowners to save a great deal of money. With one stop, customers can find the best type of tile for their project, calculate the exact costs, and plan the installation.
2. Removing Existing Flooring
Unless the construction is new and there are no old floors to remove, someone will have to remove the old flooring. Some contractors do this for free, others charge extra. Some recover the old materials, if possible, others do not. Some homeowners prefer to remove the old flooring themselves, to save time and money.
No matter the situation, homeowners should keep in mind that removing the old floors can get noisy and messy, especially when the old flooring is made of tiles or natural stone. Also, depending on the flooring material and installation method, additional repairs may be necessary before installing the new flooring.
3. New Tile Installation
The durability of the new tile flooring will heavily depend on the smoothness and adherence of the surface it is installed on. Especially if the old flooring had to be removed, some preparation measures will be necessary. They could involve pouring a layer of concrete, to level the surface, filling eventual cracks or holes, sanding to remove irregularities, etc.
Without these preparations, the new flooring could be uneven, not accommodate furniture properly, allow water to pool, require a huge quantity of adhesive, or even get loose. As messy and time consuming as it may be, this stage is critical for obtaining smooth, long lasting, perfectly looking floors.
4. Post-Installation Care and Remedies
Just because the installation is over, it does not mean homeowners can place heavy furniture on the newly installed flooring, let water pour on it, or start wiping with powerful chemicals. New tile flooring needs time to solidify and cure. Homeowners should avoid walking on it for 48 hours, keep it moisture free, and clean it with mild products.
After months or years of use, the grout between the tiles may change color or come undone. Some homeowners may be willing to replace the tile flooring completely. For those who would rather avoid or postpone the expense, replacing the grout is a good way to prolong the lifespan and improve the looks of the existing flooring.
Staying at Home or Taking a Vacation
Homeowners who wish to be present during the tile flooring installation and help out, are advised to take a few days off work, to avoid feelings of exhaustion and frustration. Those who would rather avoid the mess and the noise, can take a short vacation. This way, by the time they return, assuming they chose their contractor wisely, their tile flooring Bloomfield project is completed, and they can enjoy their investment to the fullest.